Groundwork South Yorkshire

Groundwork South Yorkshire

Project: Social Investment Breakthrough
Grant: £43,200

The project aims to boost demand for social investment among smaller voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSEs) and increase the supply of suitable social investment products in South Yorkshire. The project aims will be delivered by: developing the skills of boards and senior management to make critical and informed decisions about social investment; researching the nature of the demand for social investment, particularly among new social enterprises; fostering engagement between social investors, support providers and VCSE organisations in the co-design investment products; and expanding the number of VCSE organisations able to identify the suitable social investment products and apply successfully for it.

Delivery methods include: research into the level and nature of latent demand to determine what would make social investment more attractive; supply side research into how to make social investment more readily accessible; skill building workshops aimed at Boards and senior managers; one-to-one and small group mentoring sessions to help participants develop investible propositions; facilitated learning circles that bring together VCSE organisations, social investors and intermediaries.

Groundwork South Yorkshire expects: to improve the leadership and governance capabilities of participants; and that participants will report a clearer sense of direction and improved growth strategy. It also expects social investors engaged in the programme will innovate and broaden their offer as a result.