Barrow Cadbury Trust Climate Change Statement

Barrow Cadbury Trust recognises that climate   Unchecked, climate change will make much of our planet unliveable, will worsen economic and social divides and is likely to lead to social unrest over increasingly scarce resources.  We also recognise the interconnection between climate change and the social justice issues on which we work, and the deep systemic issues that need to be addressed if we are to achieve a sustainable future.  As a funder with both resources and influence, we recognise the role we can play both through our own actions and by working with others.

We can and are addressing the challenge in three ways: through how we manage our endowment; through decarbonising and minimising waste and pollution in our operations; and through supporting our funded partners to reduce their own climate impact.  Our endowment represents the largest portion of our resources and we both design our investment portfolio through a climate impact lens through aligning it with the Saracen & Partners’ Climate Active Fund and engage with others in shareholder action to press for change in business practice.  We seek to minimise the carbon footprint of our operations, including those arising from our office location and our patterns of working, and have a programme of practical support for our funded partners.  Details of our activities can be found in our annual Action Plan.

We are a signatory to the Funder Commitment on Climate Change, and will be reporting on progress against our Action Plan each year through our Annual Report.


September 2022