The Connect Fund wants to encourage collaborative learning partnerships to identify solutions to social investment challenges. We believe that better sharing of tools, data and resources can improve access to social investment for more charities and social enterprises, as well as encouraging diversity and innovation across the market.
Learning Resources
All resources produced by Connect Fund funded projects are open source. You can find the resources generated by Connect Fund projects on the ‘Learning Resources’ page.
Resources by the Connect Fund
You can watch all Connect Fund recorded webinars via our YouTube channel.
Resources for Grantholders
Existing grantholders can find guidance about our reporting templates, the Trust’s expectations around communications and dissemination of your work and a reminder of the terms and conditions of your grant on the ‘Resources for Grantholders’ page.
External Resources
Here’s a list of external resources about social investment that you might find useful:
- Big Society Capital – the leading independent social investment wholesaler in the UK, providing finance to Investment Funds that support front-line social sector entities to help them grow.
- Diversity Forum website – to find information on how to make the social investment market more diverse.
- Equality Impact Investing website – to learn more about this form of social impact investing that aims to reduce inequality and advance human rights.
- EVPA – the European Venture Philanthropy Association.
- Good Finance website – to find out more about social investment and if it is right for your organisation.
- Impact Investing Institute – to learn more about the work of the institute in the UK, including a useful Learning Hub for professional organisations and individuals.
- Inspiring Impact – free online resources and peer learning networks for organisations to improve their impact.
- NAVCA – national membership body for local sector support and development organisations (also known as local infrastructure) in England.
- NCVO – membership body for voluntary sector organisations.
- Pioneers Post – the social enterprise magazine.
- Power to Change – independent charitable trust that supports and develops community businesses in England.
- School for Social Entrepreneurs – run courses that equip people to start, scale and strengthen organisations that make a positive difference.
- Social Economy Data Lab – a tool to support the social economy to access and make better use of data to inform decisions.
- Social Enterprise UK – national membership body for social enterprises.
- Social Investment Forum – national forum for UK social investment and finance intermediaries (SIFIs).
- Social Investment Unpick/ Good Finance – a free online interactive course for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of social investment or want to be able to explain social investment to others and answer questions about it; such as infrastructure organisations, membership bodies and capacity building organisations.