The School for Social Entrepreneurs

The School for Social Entrepreneurs

Project: Match Trading for Better Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Outcomes

Grant: £58,400

The project will identify clear pathways to increase recipients of Match Trading grants, with a specific focus on social enterprise leaders who identify as black or ethnically-minoritised. The project will build upon The School for Social Entrepreneur’s collaborative history, working in partnership with Voice4Change to embed stronger Equality, Diversity and Inclusion infrastructure and data frameworks, to be able to measure the outcomes of black or ethnically minoritised-led social enterprises. It will develop a new portal specifically for Match Trading, which will help two-fold; firstly, creating a flexible toolkit, and secondly facilitating The School of Social Entrepreneurs to aggregate large volumes of data which will assist with lobbying work for this sector in the future, with a particular focus on black and ethnically minoritised-led social entrepreneurs.